Our Active Park has a surface area of roughly 65,000 square metres and concrete carriageways with a length of 2.5 km.
More than 86,000 plants were planted on the grounds, of which 1,100 of them are trees. The rich fauna includes numerous animals such as hares, hedgehogs, wild ducks and many other bird species. For example the red kite, a rare bird of prey that is listed on the red list, is regularly seen in the park grounds.
Gothaplast has a high contingent of women. For this reason the good luck stone was copied. This was a birthday present from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to Charlotte Stein in the year 1777. Goethe called this work of art "Altar of Agathe Tyche". It constitutes the first non-representational monument in Germany. Agathe Tyche is the goddess of chance. The cube symbolizes that which is static, secured and reposing; the sphere lying above represents the dynamic, moveable, and as it rests also good fortune.
The original is in Goethe's garden in Weimar.
The monument is located directly opposite the gatekeeper's house and was chiselled by a local mason from the sandstone of the Seeberg that is found south-east of the town of Gotha.
Height: 4.40 meters
Weight: 3 tons
The courageous peopleSuche